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How to Naturally Turn a Breech Baby

Writer's picture: Vicki, The Elite DoulaVicki, The Elite Doula

If your baby is still breech at 36 weeks, there are ways to naturally turn a breech baby, or your OB/Midwife might suggest ways to get baby to turn head-down, which is the optimal birthing position for a vaginal delivery.

Your OB/Midwife could try a manual transabdominal rotation of baby - The ACOG recommends ECV (External Cephalic Version) as a standard protocol to attempt turning a breech baby to avoid a cesarean section.

More Gentle and Holistic/Natural Options Are:

  • Moxibustion Plus Acupuncture (Ginger paste applied to place of moxi).

  • Myrrh and peppermint essential oils on the abdomen may help to persuade baby to turn head down. Rub peppermint topically from hip to hip in a rainbow curve up over ribs, and rub myrrh on across low abdomen every 15-30 min for 3 hour or until you feel baby shift which ever comes first. (Dilute EOs with FCO or other carrier oil if you have skin sensitivity). Baby moves away from peppermint and goes toward myrrh.

  • Postural Management - Lying on a slant board or inversion table for a few min then rolling off to one side and crawling around on the floor for 10-15 min is also helpful.

  • Hypnosis

  • Swimming may also help - and try handstands in the water!

  • Miles Circuit

  • Spinning Babies

  • Webster Certified Chiropractor

  • Yoga

  • Music - on belly

Always consult with your OB/Midwife before using any of the above, as I don't know your medical history.

Where to Buy Essential Oils

Don’t buy your oils from Amazon or Walmart etc, they are full of dangerous chemicals and who knows what, only use the best and highest quality oils! Get your own wholesale account and save 24% right here!


For a posterior baby or stalled labor - check out the Miles Circuit Maneuver

I am not a doctor. The information provided is for educational purposes only and should never replace consultation, advise, and/or treatment from your medical care provider.


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